Know your registration is paid on time, every time*.
Save2Pay allows you to make regular smaller payments as an alternate to a 3 or 6 monthly or annual payment for your vehicle registration (conditions apply).
Helps you budget better
Save2Pay easily fits within your weekly, fortnightly or monthly budget.
Simple to understand
We take the worry out of lump sum registration payments. No more money troubles at registration time.
First of its kind in Australia
With our experience in Management we know how to reduce impact on your weekly budget.
Real Simple Save2Pay
Save2Pay’s processes have been created in a way that are really simple with the emphasis on you, the customer.
Save2Pay is available for individuals, truckies, tradies, small business owners and fleet owners, bringing with it the added advantage of cashflow benefits for any business.
Great for
Small business owners
And Many More
What is Save2Pay?
How does Save2Pay work?
Do I have to wait until my next registration is due?
What happens if I sell my vehicle?
What happens if I miss a weekly/fortnightly payment?
How will I know that my registration has been paid?
How does it work?
Our systems works surprisingly easy!
- Fill in our easy enquiry form
- We confirm your instalment in an email
Thats all, we are done, no more worries!
Budgeting Tips and Tricks
We are here to help, hereis some great information to show we care.
How to save money
bla bla bla
Many Satisfied Customers
Reach Us
Delighted to help you as fast as we can using this easy form:
Mundaring, WA